Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015 - Chasing the Sun

Sorry for the blog hiatus. My life randomly got busy, and then I just got out of the habit of blogging, and then...I just didn't. A lot has happened since I last blogged. Utah trip. Washington trip. New boyfriend, which has turned into a long distance relationship (waaaaayyyyy lame that the whole long distance thing happened). Renewed obsession with Sara Bareilles (not too surprising if you know me at all). New calling in church, where I teach Sunday School to 12 and 13 year olds. Yes, I'm a little bit intimidated. And, the new year. 2015 has happened. As always, this causes reflection. I don't think it's a bad thing to be cliche in this aspect. We need to have constant reflection, and I think it's beautiful that everybody reflects at this time.

So, a review of this past year:

  • I completed my mission in the beautiful WA-TAC. 
  • I learned how to be grateful for the rain.
  • I learned a deeper meaning of charity.
  • I learned what 1 Corinthians 15:10 was all about.
  • I gained understanding of dreams and how dreams are meant to be achieved - and that no dream is too big.
  • My life plan changed - again.
  • I learned how to say "I love you" to people - in the actual words, and in other ways as well.
  • I got this freaking sweet haircut that shocked everyone and their dog, but I have never once regretting it.
  • I turned 21! Which, in the world is a huge age. But, since I was on my just meant a way awesome member made me a way legit cake, and that was pretty much it.
  • I've gained just a little bit more perspective in life, in who I am, in those who are around me, in the world, and in who my Heavenly Father is.

I've grown quite a bit in 2014. I'm a fan of 2014. But, there is so much more! 2015 is going to bring so much more. Like school. Like even more mission friends coming home. Like moving out of my parents' house. (I seriously love those peeps. I'm grateful for all they do. But, I will be the first to admit that I automatically slack and backslide when I'm living under their roof.) Like getting to learn and grow more. Like becoming one step closer to fulfilling my dreams.

And, just like every year, I think it is such a good idea to set goals. And, one thing I've learned about myself is that I SUCK at keeping goals if I have no one to account to. If no one else knows my goals, I tend to just...not do them. So, I thought I'd share just a couple of them with y'all.

Physical: I am going to start running in the morning. 5 times a week. I don't like want to run a marathon or anything. I just want to be healthier. And goodness knows my diet is NOT going to change! 

Mental: I am going to attend BYU-I and get straight A's my first semester back to college. No, I don't think that is a crazy goal. I got myself good grades by putting forth minimal effort. This time I'm going to get A's because I actually worked and learned.

Spiritual: I will attend the temple once a week, every week. Even once I go to school. I can't miss out on those blessings. They are too precious to me, and the work done there is too important to not do.

Financial: At the end of the year, I will have money in my bank account; I will have budgeted/saved enough so that I didn't have to live paycheck to paycheck the last couple of months of the year.

Social: I will express my love to someone every single day. I have gotten a lot better at this, but I don't want it to disappear.

Ultimate: BE HAPPY!!!

2015 is set up to be a pretty good year for me. And I'm determined to make this year my happiest year! This year has been filled with some of the greatest joys. But, if I'm living life the way I'm supposed to, as my life continues, my joy will increase. That is our purpose on Earth, after all! It's the Plan of Happiness! "Adam fell that men might be and men are that they might have joy." 2 Nephi 2:25.

As you all think about what you want to do, what you want to become during 2015, remember, it's possible. Reach your dreams. In the beautiful words of Sara Bareilles, "You said remember that life is not meant to be wasted, we can always be chasing the sun! So fill up your lungs and just run, and always be chasing the sun! All we can do is try, and live like we're still alive!"

Go and chase the sun this year, my friends! :)