Sunday, February 28, 2016

It's beginning to look a lot like spring

It's not quite spring, yet, but lately, I've been feeling an awful lot like the owl from Bambi. Do you know what I'm talking about? I mean this:

Owl is making fun of his woodland friends and mocking the whole "twitterpated" thing. Then, those same woodland friends become twitterpated, and then the mocking stops and he becomes like this:

All the frustration that his friends seem to abandon him because of twitterpation. (Did I just make up that word? Possibly.)

A little while ago, some of my friends in Rexburg either began dating someone or they and another person shared mutual attraction. This left me chilling like a single pringle. It actually made me feel a little bit lonely. (Don't worry. This is NOT going to be a sad, whiny post. That's not what this is about.) It was kind of hard to deal with. Being single is never a fun experience, especially in an atmosphere like BYU-I. 

Let me share with you some words of wisdom from MIKA, though, that have helped me keep the right perspective. 

The entirety of MIKA's song, Lollipop, is about being careful with how you invest your love. Not that you shouldn't invest your love, but you must be careful.

What I mean by this, I think is best illustrated by a line from his song. "Live your life until love is found, or love's gonna get you down."

Sometimes we start looking for love, for that relationship hardcore. This can quickly lead to heartache and pain. This is because, sometimes, we are just not ready. The timing isn't right. Or, who even knows! God's plan is supreme, not mine, thank goodness!

But, the principle is there: live your life. Just keep living your life. Don't put it on hold - ever. Not even for love. Love shouldn't put your life on hold, it should enhance it, it should enliven it, and it should progress it. 

If you're a little lost in the world of love, while you, too, are chilling like a single pringle, just keep living your life. If you start looking for love, you'll lose opportunities. That's not to say that you shouldn't be aware of those around you. Date, by all means! But don't let a lack of love or a lack of relationship get you down. Don't be defined by that. It'll turn you frustrated and bitter. Trust me, I know from experience. 

Live you're life. Keep progressing. Move towards God and fulfill your purpose. As you do so, you will find love. I believe that to be true with all my heart!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Rule the World

I'll say this: for the vast majority of the time, I don't understand dance/choreography. And music videos usually are pretty wack. But I like the part of the music video where she jumps through the wall. I feel like it pretty accurately symbolizes everything about this song.

In case you guys haven't picked up on it, I love everything about the concept of chasing your dreams. That's why I have fallen in love with song (plus, it's by Walk off the Earth, and I'm pretty positive they're the most talented group of individuals ever to have been in a band).

Sometimes you get in funks. Sometimes you read chapters in textbooks that explain what applying for grad school entails, and you wonder if it really is worth it, because the application process sounds just as complicated as your current semester is in its 14 week entirety. Sometimes people don't see your dreams and goals as significant or worth it. They say no while you're trying to say go.

But, we should be trying to rule the world. I mean, not like Pinky and the Brain idea of ruling the world. But, rule your world. Break down those walls. Go, go, go. Chase your dreams. Push those limits and accomplish something incredible. Because we are meant to be incredible! We are meant to rule the world; don't let life get you down, don't let it spiral out of control. Take it by the horns, jump on it, and then feel that rush of living your life the way that YOU want, the way it's supposed to be lived.

"They say no way, oh, I say I'll rule the world!
Ain't afraid of those walls, Imma break 'em down."

"I say yeah, yeah, yeah, they say no, no, no,
They say slow, slow slow, I say go, go, go!"

If you have a dream, chase it. If you want to do something with your life, do it. If you want to have an adventure, go on one. If you want to change the world, change it!

Don't listen to people who tell you that you can't do something. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life. Just go and rule the world.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

3 Years

A few days ago, there were a few people who posted about receiving their mission call 3 years ago. When I saw those posts, I was reminded of the pain and anguish I experience waiting an extra three days for my mission call to come. For whatever reason, my call got delayed or lost in the mail. It was assigned the same times as everyone else's, but came later.

I remember that anticipation; I was expecting it Friday. It didn't come. I was heartbroken. Saturday, my Bishop assured me it would be in that mailbox. I walked back to my apartment empty handed and distraught. Yes, I was definitely being dramatic, but I was literally living for my mission, at that point. But, I thought, maybe, just maybe, everyone else's got delayed. After texting a friend of mine, who was just a few hours away, I realized that something had happened to delay my call. And I was going to have to suffer through a long weekend, as the next Monday was President's Day; thus, no mail.

3 years ago, I walked down my stairs, headed towards my mailbox, turned the key, and found my dream, sitting there. I don't know if there ever was a time that I ran faster than at that moment.

3 years ago, I opened that envelope, having no idea what was in store for me. I read those words, "You have been assigned to labor in the Washington Tacoma Mission." I paused for about half a second after reading that, and I can still remember the feeling that came over me as I thought about it. It was a feeling of peace, a feeling of assurance, of confidence. I knew that mission was the mission for me.

3 years later, I've been home for well over a year. I've transferred universities. I've changed my life plans. I've made new friends. I've become a different person - the same person, but different.

3 years later, I still can't help but smile when I think of opening my call, or being in Washington, or wearing that nametag, or living my dream of being a sister missionary.

3 years later, I have nothing in my heart but gratitude that I had the courage, the faith, and the willingness to wait and then serve.

3 years ago, my life changed. 3 years later,  I have become. And I am still becoming.

Monday, February 1, 2016

525,600 Minutes

Sometimes I blog instead of doing homework. And I wonder why I have stress in my life...

But every since yesterday, I've had this song in my head. I was sitting in Sunday School, and the teacher bore powerful testimony of the importance of love, showing love in our lives, and making it a part of our every day lives.

So, how do you measure the life of a person? Is it in their many accomplishments? Is it based off the fact they got straight A's their entire academic life? Or how they headed the most successful business of the decade? Or is it by how they lead a family in love? Or how they showed kindness and expressed love to everyone they came in contact with?

Think back on the people you remember most in your life. Is it the most successful people? Or do you best remember the people who made you feel loved? Do you remember the super popular kids who were popular simply because of status? Or do you remember the people who took time for you?

Well, if you're anything like me, you remember the people who were most filled with love; the people who took the time to smile at you, talk with you, the people who were - or still are! - your best friends.

We have 86,400 seconds a day to show our love for those around us. We have 525,600 minutes in a year to love deeply and show people that love. What are you doing to make the most of that time? Are you wasting it?

I have an invitation for all of you who read this blog. (All like, what, 10 of you?) This is February. The month of love. But, there is so many different kinds of love. Why does it have to be about romantic love? What about brotherly love? Or the simple love we have for mankind, the love we feel for that random stranger who smiled at you when you were down in the dumps? Love for our Heavenly Father. It's the month of love. So, take the opportunity, each day, to express love to someone - or at least about something! Find things to love about your day. Today, I love that my Book of Mormon class gave me something to think about and ponder concerning certain struggles I have. I love that Brother Baron is so filled with the spirit and is so knowledgeable about the Gospel and takes his job seriously, so that I can learn what I need to learn. I love him for that.

Please, accept this invitation, my friends! I know that as you find things to love about your life and about those around you, you will be filled with even greater love. And that, in turn, will help you feel an increase of love from your Heavenly Father. And, if you accept this invitation and express love, give someone else that invitation, so that more of this world can be focused on love.