Owl is making fun of his woodland friends and mocking the whole "twitterpated" thing. Then, those same woodland friends become twitterpated, and then the mocking stops and he becomes like this:
All the frustration that his friends seem to abandon him because of twitterpation. (Did I just make up that word? Possibly.)
A little while ago, some of my friends in Rexburg either began dating someone or they and another person shared mutual attraction. This left me chilling like a single pringle. It actually made me feel a little bit lonely. (Don't worry. This is NOT going to be a sad, whiny post. That's not what this is about.) It was kind of hard to deal with. Being single is never a fun experience, especially in an atmosphere like BYU-I.
Let me share with you some words of wisdom from MIKA, though, that have helped me keep the right perspective.
The entirety of MIKA's song, Lollipop, is about being careful with how you invest your love. Not that you shouldn't invest your love, but you must be careful.
What I mean by this, I think is best illustrated by a line from his song. "Live your life until love is found, or love's gonna get you down."
Sometimes we start looking for love, for that relationship hardcore. This can quickly lead to heartache and pain. This is because, sometimes, we are just not ready. The timing isn't right. Or, who even knows! God's plan is supreme, not mine, thank goodness!
But, the principle is there: live your life. Just keep living your life. Don't put it on hold - ever. Not even for love. Love shouldn't put your life on hold, it should enhance it, it should enliven it, and it should progress it.
If you're a little lost in the world of love, while you, too, are chilling like a single pringle, just keep living your life. If you start looking for love, you'll lose opportunities. That's not to say that you shouldn't be aware of those around you. Date, by all means! But don't let a lack of love or a lack of relationship get you down. Don't be defined by that. It'll turn you frustrated and bitter. Trust me, I know from experience.
Live you're life. Keep progressing. Move towards God and fulfill your purpose. As you do so, you will find love. I believe that to be true with all my heart!