Saturday, November 11, 2017

The Lovers, the Dreamers, and Me

Sometimes I reflect on my life and wonder at the walking paradox I am. I am highly skeptical. If you are not an authority on a subject or if the information you give me does not resonate with me, I will search, ponder, speculate, and question until I come to a satisfactory conclusion. I even do this, to some degree, within the classroom. I acknowledge that professors know a whole lot more on a subject that I do, but if something doesn't jive with how I perceive the world, I won't discredit it, but I will stir the pot a bit - within my own mind, not typically within the classroom, because who has time to be that person in a class - until I come to a conclusion that resonates with me. (I'm super grateful for the knowledge of the Holy Spirit, because He makes those experiences so much less stressful.)

Even with my skepticism, I am a dreamer. I am a hopeless romantic - not in the realm of love, because, nope, but in regards to the hope and belief that we, as individuals can do the impossible. I believe in chasing dreams. Anything from the crazy, impossible dreams to the practical, everyday dreams that people have. I completely understand that people have limits to abilities and resources, but, I think people should chase the things that seem impossible, or crazy, or difficult. Because, guess what, people have been doing the impossible since about day one of mankind:

  • "Noah, go build an ark!" ----> "But what's even a cubit??"
  • "Moses, go free the children of Israel." ----> "Bro, I've got a speech impediment!"
  • Little David taking down Goliath, a literal giant, with a freaking rock.
  • Christopher Columbus sailing to the Americas.
  • America winning the Revolutionary War.
  • Abraham Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation and the North winning the Civil War.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. just being a rad dude, pushing for civil rights, but using peace and love
  • Michael Jordan making it to the NBA ---> Cue "I Believe I Can Fly" because Space Jam.
  • Me on the mission: "Oh, yeah, I love to talk about the Gospel, I totes got this!" ---> "Wait, I've gotta knock on doors and talk to strangers??" ***Didn't die***
These are just a few instances. There are so, so, so many more of ordinary people ending up doing incredible things, because they just went out and did the thing. Most, if not all (I dunno about Michael Jordan) of these instances, God had their back. Most, if not all, God influenced.

I guess, the point I'm trying to make is that dreams are good. It is good to be a dreamer. Yes, I am highly skeptical. But, my skepticism helps me to see that my crazy impossible dream is possible. It just helps me realize that it's gonna take a freaking long time to achieve it - but, with graduation just a few short months away, it's even closer than it was when I came home from my mission 3 years ago.

The world is filled with so many wonders. There are so many dreams. So many things to be discovered, created, and accomplished. "I've heard it too many times to ignore it, it's something that I'm supposed to be!" 

I guess I just wanted to write a little fluff post to remind y'all that read this to take the time stop in your busy life and listen to the voice inside of you, moving you, driving you. What is your dream? What is it that you truly want to do? Is it to be a scientist? A singer/performer? A parent? A world traveler? Whatever it is, chase it! Even if you don't accomplish it, it is in the acting and the chasing of the dream that we find where that dream actually fits into our lives. 

So, I'm going to keep stargazing, keeping seeing the wonder of the world, and I'm going to keep believing that the impossible will happen.

One day we'll find it, the rainbow connection - the lovers, the dreamers, and me!

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