I first want to start out explaining this blog. I've been home for 18 days. Since then, there has been a lot bouncing around in my head. Since then, I've felt a little lost. Since then, I've sought a way to bear my testimony in a way that is appropriate. My conclusion: I just need to start up a blog again. This blog will have the purpose of uplifting. I would encourage you to share it with your friends, who you know are in need of upliftment. Never hesitate to leave a comment, to share your thoughts, to share your own testimony. And just a disclaimer: I'll probably reference my mission a lot. Especially for the first little bit. Please understand. :)
16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:
17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.
In other words, we are the children of a loving Heavenly Father. Just like any good parent, He wants us to be able to have all that He has, become all that He is. He wants us to become and to have the best. For us, this means that we all have the capability to become like Him. Our purpose here on Earth is to literally learn to be like our Heavenly Father. In the end, if we follow the example of Jesus Christ, live His Gospel, and open our hearts to Him, we inherit what God has. Not HIS kingdom, but our own. Not HIS glory, but our own. This is what God intends for us. And it's glorious.
The testimony I have gained of my Savior and His grace is one that has helped me to become. My greatest desire is to reach my fullest potential - or to become my fullest potential. And I have learned that this is what grace is for. It's not simply to save us, but to change us. As we turn to our Savior every day, we become more and more like Him and like our Heavenly Father. Which is all they want. Which is why God sent Jesus Christ. Which is why we are here. The best part? As we do this, as we become more and more like the persons we are meant to be, that we have the potential to be, God is glorified. Again, this is what God intends for us. And it's glorious!
I'm so excited you've started a blog! I started mine for basically the same reason. I wanted to share my testimony with the world! Consider me your number one fan :)