Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Happy Veteran's Day. :)

This is my Grandpa Root. He served in World War II. He had some pretty neat stories that he could tell. He, alongside many, many others, fought for the United States of America. He fought for freedom. He fought to help people keep the God-give agency that we have. 

The Book of Mormon tells us about a man named Captain Moroni. He was a God-fearing man. One who looked to God and sought His guidance. Captain Moroni was leader over the entire Nephite army - aka the good guys - and in response to the Lamanites - aka the bad guys - decision to gather up an army to try to destroy the liberty of the Nephites, he created what is called the Title of Liberty. One this flag that he raised, it stated, "In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children." It is for this reason that he fought. He raised this standard everywhere he went. The image of it:

I don't see as very different from this one:

I am so very grateful for those who have fought, and still fight for our freedom. As much as people complain about how things are going here in the United States, we still have it much better than much of the world. And we owe much of it to the wonderful military men and women who risk their lives, give up comforts and basic self-needs to improve the quality of life for other people.

I am very grateful for their service. I am very grateful for the military. Happy Veteran's Day!

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