Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Giving up

For some reason, this song popped into my head yesterday. It was SUPER random, but because of that, I've been thinking about it and what it's about.

The first time I heard this song, I thought it was super depressing - I mean, she definitely gives the song a somber sound. But, then I really listened to the words. It's not about giving up on a relationship because it got hard. Instead, it's giving up all the what if's and the could be's in life and choosing the relationship over everything else.

"But I am giving up, for you."

Thinking about this made me wonder about who we love and who we love more than the what if's in our lives.

Someone asks you for help. Do you say yes, even though you have the "what if I don't have enough time to finish my homework afterwards?" Or do you always put that what if in front of their need?

Your niece or nephew asks you to go to one of their performances. Do you go even though you have the "what if it's boring?" or the "what if someone asks me to do something better that day?" Or do you put those what if's in front of their desire to be able to feel your support?

Most important, when we feel the calling of the Lord, do we answer with a resounding "YES!" or do we think of all the possible what if's and fail to accept it?

There are many what if's that we face in this life that can get in the way of our relationship with God. What if I fail? What if it's too hard? What if I'm not good enough? What if I'm wrong? What if I get made fun of? What if I'm rejected? What if it's a waste of time?

God asks for a relationship with us. He promises greater strength. He promises never-ending happiness. He promises greatness. He promises love. He promises greater abilities.

All He asks for in response? For us to give up for Him. Give up our weaknesses. Give up our own desires for His. Give up our what if's and doubts.

Can you give up for Him?

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