Monday, November 24, 2014

Better Than a Hallelujah

As I was driving to work this morning, I happened to be listening to Calee Reed, and this song started playing. I've always loved this song, but I started thinking a little bit deeper about this song.

The reason why I love this song: to me it signifies how much God just wants us to turn to Him. I believe the moments that are the sweetest to Him are when people, instead of turning to the world like they have time and time again, instead choose to turn to Him. It's like the story of the Prodigal Son. The father was so joyous that his son had returned and celebrated it! While, the entire time he had his other song with him. He didn't love his faithful son any less. Not at all! But it was simply a sweet moment for him, that he couldn't help but celebrate. His son, once lost, was found.

When we pour out our souls to God, He rejoices. "We pour out our miseries, God just hears a melody." He loves it because we are turning to Him when we have so many options to turn to.

"Beautiful, the mess we are." God doesn't care how small our problems may be. Or how big they are. He listens to them. All of them. If we take the time to talk with Him, He listens intently. Because He .. cares about us. He loves us deeply. He sees the beauty in the mess our lives may be.

Today at work, I began to get really flustered. I made a few mistakes that, luckily, was able to stay between me and the customer, but I was super stressed about it. Shortly after, the few mistakes, while I was still feeling flustered, I was given another large party. I remember throwing up a short, yet mighty prayer, pleading for help to be calm and that I wouldn't make a fool of myself again. The rest of the day went super smooth. I was calm. I was fine. And I ended my shift super solid, knowing that God had heard, listened to, and answered my prayer.

Although, for just a little while, I was  mess, God still saw the beauty in me and cared enough to help me.

Some of my most joyous experiences are when I witnessed someone turning to God when everything in their life was pulling them away - addictions, tragedies, cruelties. Those moments were better than a hallelujah.

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