Thursday, November 6, 2014

#TBT Shout out to my Mama Ferrell

When I was preparing for my mission, I faced a lot of obstacles - most of them were mental or ones that I ended up blowing out of proportion. Throughout the process of the decision to go on a mission, and all of the craziness I experiences and the craziness I became, there is one person who  Heavenly Father placed in my path to help me through it all. Her name: Sister Ferrell. Or, well, Kacee. But I'll just stick with Sister Ferrell. There was one occasion I was thinking about today that made a huge impact on me. The date was December 21,2012 to be exact. Back when I actually journaled. :)

I was faced with a difficult decision. I felt like the spirit was prompting me one way, but for the life of me I couldn't figure out why. It didn't make sense. It didn't make sense to the decision I had made to go on a mission, and the other choices I had previously made, that I thought I had made by the spirit. I came to the sister missionaries - they actually had asked me to come to a lesson, but the lesson fell through, so I took the opportunity to pick their brains and ask for advice. At that moment, I had begun to doubt every single decision I had made; I was filled with confusion and discouragement, and the prospect of serving a mission seemed distant, and near impossible. 

Sister Ferrell, in her wisdom, opened up her scriptures. And then proceeded to teach me, as any good missionary does in every opportunity. Then, she reminded me of the choices I had made based off of revelation. She reminded me that I HAD felt the spirit. And then she said, "You know," gently rebuking me for doubting. And then, to finish it all, she had us kneel down and we prayed. 

I walked home from the institute building filled with a great peace and calm, then confident in my choices. Because I remembered. It's a lesson I've been able to carry through. If you ever start doubting, or start feeling confused, remember those occasions where the spirit gave witness undeniably. Whether it's a decision to go on a mission, and it seems like the whole world is discouraging you. Remember what the spirit feels like - peace, happiness, calm, gentleness - and focus in on those moments where you have felt that. That's how you will know if it's revelation or not. Whether it's people trying to convince you that what you believe is false, you focus in on the reasons why you believe. For example, every time my testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, or my testimony of Joseph Smith has been challenged, I simply have gone back to what I have felt while reading the Book of Mormon. The Spirit has undeniably witnessed to me that it's true. So, I know. So, I don't have to fret about it. I don't have to worry myself sick. I don't have to doubt or become discouraged.

This experience, along with many others, taught me how much Heavenly Father loves us. He places the people we need in our path. Always. It is SO important for us to be aware of those around us. Because they may need us, and we may need them. It may require us opening ourselves up to them - something I struggle with. But, when I have done it, I've never regretted it. Because it's led to sacred experiences - like the ones I've shared with Sister Ferrell.

Hope they don't mind I snatched a pic off of Facebook. Sister Ferrell is the one on the left. :)

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